In 1944 Kurt Tank proposed the Ta 183 (to
replace the Flitzer) for a contender for the German Air Ministry's emergency
fighter specification, which called for a fighter, powered by the HeS 011A
turbojet be able to operate with the Me 262, but using less premium resources
to make. The Ta 183 was accepted in February 1945, an order for a prototype
was given at the beginning of March 1945. The Ta 183 V1 was to use the Junkers
Jumo 004 turbojet, as the He S 011 was still not ready for use. The first
flight was scheduled for May/ June 1945. On the 8/4/1945 Allies captured
Focke-Wulf's design department, none the less work on the prototype did
go on, but the Ta 183 V1 was never finished by the war's end |